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Top 35 App Ideas for Beginners, Students & Startups in 2023

30+ App Ideas for Beginners

Making and creating apps is nothing new, but it can seem intimidating when you’re just starting and need some app ideas for beginners. What’s worse, there are so many types of apps you don’t even know where to start.

In this article, you’ll learn all about different types of apps and get some great ideas to get you started. You’ll be an expert in no time!

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List of 35 App Ideas for Beginners, Students and Startups

Inspire yourself with our list of various easy applications that you can make even if you are just a beginner:

To-do App

Classical to-do app. By having the list on an app on the phone, you eliminate the annoying little papers that tend to lose. Make it colorful, maybe with multiple bullet point symbols to choose from.

Notes App

Helps people create their personal details and appointments in notes and stores them to use later.  You can make notes in different shapes and sizes, as well as colors.

Calorie Counter

Simple, yet effective. Using this app users will know the nutritional value and calories of their food. You can make it all text or insert the food pictures.


While making this app you’ll learn a lot about the importance of image manipulation. This app Is great for beginners because you just have to make the image rotate using arrows to flip it in different directions.

Recipe App

Using this app the user can see a list of recipe titles. By clicking on it, the full recipe with meal type, difficulty level, and such is revealed.

Quiz App

Users test and practice knowledge by answering the questions. You can upgrade it by making features like sharing on social media, saving the past results…

Chat App

Users communicate with each other by sending messages. You can insert different backgrounds, fonts, and such.


All the cards are turned on the blank side and users have to click on two cards to find the same image.

Countdown Timer

This app is great for counting down to an important event. Try to add some additional features like a warning message when it’s close to the date.

Timetable Manager

Great for users that need help managing their daily routines. Make it as simple or complicated as you want with more colors, lists, tables…

Mood Monitoring App

This one is currently quite trending. It allows users to track their daily moods. By analyzing the patterns, it suggests what (not) to do to be in a better mood.

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Unit Converter App

Useful in everyday life, especially cooking. You can make it for just two units like kilos to pounds, or more like meters to inches, liters to cups…

Internet Speed Checker App

Simple to make, yet useful to users. You can customize it any way you want to make it more fun.

Consult a Doctor App

Sometimes people don’t need a full check-up at the doctor. This way, they can use your app to consult the doctors online about some mild difficulties they’re experiencing.

Lost & Found App

How many times have you lost your keys or jacket? This app allows the finders to post a picture, along with the location, and that way they can help the owner find things more easily.

Color Guessing Game

This one is intended for small children. You have to do is develop a simple, interactive interface. Make it so it shows a variety of colors in different shapes and drawings. Also, make sure the names of the color are included.

Table Booking App

Calls are so outdated. Make an app that lets people easily make reservations, for starters for your hometown or neighborhood

Video Editing App

You don’t need a professional program to edit a video. There are many video editing apps on the market because of the great demand, and because it’s fairly easy to make. Try your own!

Fingerprint Authentication

Help people upgrade their level of protection by making a simple fingerprint authentication. Sure, most phones have it for unlocking the screen. But, you can make one for the gallery, notes app, or any other app users use to store personal data.

Karaoke App

Everybody loves karaoke. Make the app as versatile as you can by offering all kinds of music genres and fun backgrounds for the lyrics. Make sure the user can sing by using the filters that make a sound.

Parking Space Finder App

This one is always in demand. Make one for your local community and help people minimize their parking space search.

Fake Caller Application

Unfortunately, a much-needed app in many places. It should be developed in a way that allows the users to make a fake call to the device while on a suspicious path so they feel safer.

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Call Recording App

With this one, you don’t even have to worry about design. Its main purpose is to solely record the calls. Make it simple, but functional and user-friendly.

Voice Translation App

A great addition to any trip. The app translates users’ voices into the desired language. This way, they can quickly and easily communicate with the locals.

Scan and Convert to PDF App

You probably use this one on your computer a lot. By making it an app for mobile devices you supply more market as it is shown that mobile device searches make more than 60% now. It will be especially useful to students.

Bus Tracking App

Useful and simple app that can be used to know the exact location of your bus. Make sure it’s neat, that upgrades quickly, and of course, punctual.

Task Scheduling & Motivation App

Similar to to-do app, but with a twist. This app should be made in a way that reminds and motivates uses for the task in desired time.

Giveaway Used Items App

More organized and better designed than your local charity website or Facebook group. Make it so users can communicate with each other to easily arrange the drop/swap.

Cooking App

You can make this app in all sorts of ways. We recommend making it so users type the ingredients they want to work with and it shows them the recipe. This way, you’ll also fit into a zero-waste category. Additionally, include some cooking tips.

Track Your Period App

This is just a basic calendar app, with some additional features. For example, you can make the dates in different colors depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Survey App

This app is divided into two roles. The first one is survey coordinators and they make and conduct the survey. The second one is the users that complete those surveys.

Virtual Exam Study Group App

Specifically intended for students, this app should be a hybrid of a video call and forum. You can also integrate into it different learning materials and tools.

Enter into Shoutem app builder and start creating your app!

Social Networking App for New Parents

Similar to the previous app, only it’s intended for young parents. There can be a forum, chat rooms, and even some parenting books and advice included. We also have created a separate list of social media app ideas just for you.

Trial-Expiry Alerts App

Sometimes the email that alerts you of your trial period expiry gets lost in all the incoming mail. This app should warn the users days, then hours before the expiry. Develop it with an annoying warning sound so it doesn’t get ignored like the email.

Disaster Management App

It’s not uncommon for an area to be affected by an earthquake or a flood. This way, users can track the location, the magnitude, and the level of damage.

Overall Conclusion for Beginner App Ideas

There you have it, 35 ideas for your new beginner app. Start with the most basic one and work your way up. The more apps you make, the more you will learn about different types of program languages and development methods. It will take anywhere from one week to two months for most of these simple app ideas. Take it easy, make a hobby out of it. Who knows, maybe one day you become a famous app developer!

FAQs on Application Ideas for Beginners

How can a beginner create an app?

Well, firstly they have to learn about some development methods and different program languages. Luckily, today it’s much more automized than before. With some basic knowledge and a computer, you can have a functioning app in a week.

How do I come up with a mobile app idea?

There are plenty of ideas to take inspiration from. Just look at the apps you already have on your phone, check out our list of simple beginner apps, or even think of an original idea you think people will find useful.

How do I know if my app idea is good?

The best way to know is by reviewing the feedback from your app users. If you’re testing among friends and family, make sure the feedback is genuine.

What are some mobile app ideas for beginners?

There are a bunch of ideas for mobile apps for beginners such as countdown timers, unit converters, calorie counters, notes apps, recipe apps, quiz apps and more.

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